Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Powertripper

Stacy used to be a really sweet and friendly lady up until she was appointed student body president.

This so-called authority changed her.

She feels oh so powerful that she does not want to be seen as the ordinary Stacy. She wants everyone to realize how powerful she could really be.

One time, she saw a student taking a nap inside the classroom. Instead of approaching the student to discipline him, or maybe even knowing the reason why he was sleeping (he could be sick, who knows), she just took a photograph of the student and sent it directly to the department head.

The poor student got a suspension without any warning.

Stacy didn't feel any pity for the student. Instead, she feels more powerful that she has actually done something to suspend a student.

"My, what great powers I have!" is maybe what she is thinking.

She then started implementing rules and events that is desirable for her.

She scheduled a fashion show because that's what she wants - even if the rest of the students don't like the idea.

A different student body officer posted on Facebook that she does not like fashion shows because it is so "baduy" for her.

Stacy saw this and got really mad because she can't accept the fact that someone doesn't like her idea or the way she "leads" things. She took a screen shot and sent it again to the department head, crying like a childish brat because she got so HURT. Ugh.

She wanted the officer to be kicked out of the student body because, well.. because that's what she wants.

And because she feels she has the power to do so.


What a leader.