Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The "It's Complicated" Guy

Kelvin is that one guy who loves making simple things complicated.

You ask him what's with the color-coded ID's.
He'll tell you the history of the entire school.

You ask him where you could buy some fruits.
He'll explain to you how it's cultivated.

You ask what jeepney to take in going somewhere.
He'll enumerate to you all possible routes from all possible places he could think of.

You tell him a joke.
He'll demand you to explain how it is funny.


He's just that kind of guy. SO serious.
He loves to make simple things complicated.
He always has this habit of wanting to solve problems that are not even there.

You're given the simplest instruction to create a paper airplane.. with PAPER, of course.
But then off he goes to buy some glue, crayons, beads and all the little girly stuffs because he fears that the "instructor" may want to see a really pretty and colored paper airplane but couldn't have it with just simple paper.

The result?
It took a lot of time to finish and the paper airplane can't even fly.

Well, thank you, Mr. "What-If-Instructor-Likes-Pretty-Paper-Airplanes".
You've just complicated a lot of things.


Anonymous said...

to solve 1 + 1, he has to make a calculator